is used for Performance Enhancement, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome,
Rotator Cuff Injuries, Joint Instability, Postural Disorders, Impingement
Syndrome and many other upper extremity disorders by providing
more than 50 therapeutic upper extremity exercises in one easy
to use product.
The FLEXTEND®-AC corrects the strength / length
imbalances of the entire upper extremity, but specifically focuses
its effects on the shoulder girdle due to its complex structure
and vulnerability to injury. Creating strength equality between
the muscle groups within and around the shoulder helps to reduce
the impingement of underlying nerves and blood vessels that are
often the root cause of painful and debilitating symptoms.
FLEXTEND®-AC also targets many other specific
areas of the upper extremity, utilizing a variety of physician
and therapist recommended exercises and training programs for the
fingers, wrists, elbows, forearms, biceps, triceps, chest and back. |